
World Overcomers Ministries Church
A Look Back

In 2001 Pastor LeYonn Armstrong was led of God to establish World Overcomers Ministries Church. The church was set to have it’s first worship service in the home of Pastor Le Yonn & Janet Armstrong on January 7, 2001. But as God would have it, a door of opportunity prevailed. Dr. Ron Smith, President of Wesley Biblical Seminary offered the use of their chapel space on Floral Drive in the Tougaloo area. There, WOMC had its first Sunday worship service with 13 people. As a committed group of people, WOMC served to raise the standard of the Word of God by putting a premium on the message of Grace and the actions of Love. We extended our message in 2002 by airing on a local television station, PEG Network Comcast channel 18. Several people have been helped and even committed to the church because of the broadcasts.

In 2003 WOMC moved to Wesley Biblical Seminary’s Northside Drive Campus. There, the church continued to thrive and grow in the Fellowship Hall of that location.

WOMC is a church that has been blessed with several Artists, Educators, Business Professionals, etc. In 2004 we initiated the ‘Bara Project’ which is a Community Arts Program purposed to stimulate the creativity in Middle and High School students.

Additionally, we became part of the Adopt A School Program with Jackson Public Schools. Our adopted school was Chastain Middle School. We were able to assist in award ceremonies, help with school supplies, school programs and community meetings.

The Missions work at WOMC has been both global and local. In 2009, Pastor Armstrong traveled to Zambia, Africa to do mission work in the city of Lusaka and in the villages of Choma. In 2010, WOMC built a well in Choma, Zambia helping to provide fresh water to over 800 families.

In 2011, WOMC began G.O. Missions Community Outreach. which is the training and practicing of sharing the gospel with the unchurched in our community. Also In the same year we began live steaming our worship services. Our live stream is currently being viewed from various places in the USA such as California, Texas, Tennessee, Kansas, Arkansas, Alabama, Illinois and Georgia; also internationally such as, Canada, Africa and India.

In June 2012, WOMC moved from 787 E. Northside Drive and held it’s first service at 444 Pebble Creek Drive.

In 2013, WOMC opened it’s food outreach ministry to help the citizens of Madison county that are in need, especially seniors. Our food outreach has rapidly grown to feeding 350-400 people per month. In 2014, WOMC food outreach distributed over 54,000 lbs of food.

In 2014, WOMC also connected with Sunnybrook Children’s Home. Our congregation donated needed toiletry items. We look forward to providing long term support for the children there at Sunnybrook as well as conducting other outreach activities.

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